About Us
We are followers of Christ who desire to love God and love our neighbor. As such, we strive to be a neighborhood church to the neighborhoods of North Stafford.
We gather to worship Christ, We help one another grow in Christ, and we go and live for Christ.
NSBC was officially established 1986 by 10 families who were interested in starting a vibrant and growing church in the North Stafford area. We continue to reach out to the neighborhoods of North Stafford in order to spread the good news of Jesus Christ.
What we believe unites us as a body and protects us against error. Together, we affirm the Baptist Faith and Message of 2000. Click the link below to read our statement of faith.
Gather. Grow. Go.
"And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry..." –Ephesians 4:11-12

Darren King
Darren was born in Michigan, grew up in Illinois, and went to college (undergraduate and post graduate) in Missouri. He is married to Marcia (a Missouri Farmer’s daughter) and they have two adult boys, Andrew and Michael. Besides being a pastor, he has been a chaplain in the Army National Guard, served as a campus minister, an executive pastor and church planter/lead pastor. He likes to read history, spend time with his wife, garden, fish, and buy books (some of which he may actually read). Feel free to email him any time.
Want to worship with us?
We'd love to have you join us for our congregational worship or one of our Bible Studies. Please let us know you're planning to visit so we can prepare to welcome you!