Devoted to Serving the Family of God Romans 12:1-8

North Stafford Baptist Church Sermon Audio
North Stafford Baptist Church Sermon Audio
Devoted to Serving the Family of God Romans 12:1-8

Pastor Darren L. King  Romans 12:1-8  Devoted to Serving the Family of God:  Jesus and service; We must devote ourselves to serving one another based on the mercies of God; We must think correctly about … Read More

Devote to the True Worship of God John 4:19-26

North Stafford Baptist Church Sermon Audio
North Stafford Baptist Church Sermon Audio
Devote to the True Worship of God John 4:19-26

Pastor Darren L. King  John 4:19-26  Devoted to the True Worship of God: God is to be worshiped everywhere and at all times in the right way; God is to be worshiped in response to … Read More

Devoted to the Father and to the Son Luke 14:25-35

North Stafford Baptist Church Sermon Audio
North Stafford Baptist Church Sermon Audio
Devoted to the Father and to the Son Luke 14:25-35

Pastor Darren L. King  Luke 14:25-35  Devoted to the Father and to the Son: Devote yourself to Christ; Die to self to follow Christ; Deny self to know Christ

Devoted to God’s Church: Joining the Family of God Ephesians 1:5

North Stafford Baptist Church Sermon Audio
North Stafford Baptist Church Sermon Audio
Devoted to God's Church: Joining the Family of God Ephesians 1:5

Pastor Darren King  Ephesians 1:5  Joining the Family of God: In love, God adopts you as his son or daughter in Christ; In Christ God redeems you and unites you into one family; Through the … Read More

Devoted to God’s Church: The Church is Family Ephesians 2:19

North Stafford Baptist Church Sermon Audio
North Stafford Baptist Church Sermon Audio
Devoted to God's Church: The Church is Family Ephesians 2:19

Pastor Darren King  Ephesians 2:19 The Church is Family: for we are brothers and sisters in Christ; for we all have God as our Father; for we are to lie under the headship of Christ

The Power of Ordinary Prayer James 5:13-18

North Stafford Baptist Church Sermon Audio
North Stafford Baptist Church Sermon Audio
The Power of Ordinary Prayer James 5:13-18

Pastor Darren L. King  James 5:13-18 The Power of Ordinary Prayer: prayer in the name of the Lord; confession in the name of the Lord; the prayer of a righteous person is powerful Due to … Read More

The Gospel compels the Truth James 5:12

North Stafford Baptist Church Sermon Audio
North Stafford Baptist Church Sermon Audio
The Gospel compels the Truth James 5:12

Pastor Darren L. King  James 5:12  The Gospel compels the Truth: the Bible prohibits falsehood but not oaths; the Bible commends the simple truth; our motivation for truth is the mercy and judgment of Christ

The Importance of Persistent Patience James 5:7-11

North Stafford Baptist Church Sermon Audio
North Stafford Baptist Church Sermon Audio
The Importance of Persistent Patience James 5:7-11

Elder Walter Usener  James 5:7-11 The Importance of Persistent Patience: Followers of Christ should be marked as Patient People.

Wealthy or Poor: its the orientation of that heart that counts

North Stafford Baptist Church Sermon Audio
North Stafford Baptist Church Sermon Audio
Wealthy or Poor: its the orientation of that heart that counts

Elder Walter Usener  James 5:1-6  Wealthy or Poor: the warning against the rich; the charges against the rich; the orientation of the heart