Pastor Darren L. King Luke 10:25-37 The Good Samaritan: Are you trying to justify Yourself; What must I do to inherit eternal life?; Who is my Neighbor?; Who proved to be a neighbor?
Pastor Darren L. King Luke 10:25-37 The Good Samaritan: Are you trying to justify Yourself; What must I do to inherit eternal life?; Who is my Neighbor?; Who proved to be a neighbor?
Pastor Darren L. King Isaiah 40:1-5 The Comfort of the Lord; You are my people…I am your God; Tender words of encouragement; The discipline of the Lord; the Presence of the Lord; the Power of … Read More
Pastor Darren L. King Lamentations 1::12-22 Learning to Lament: A Call for Help: See the affliction of the Lord upon His people; Know that the Lord’s affliction was deserved; Hear a lament to the Lord.
Pastor Darren L. King Lamentations 1:1-11 Learning to Lament: The Wages of Our Sin: How Long?; Why Jerusalem Weeps; The Effects of Her Sin; Crying out to God; What we must do.