The Advent of a Savior: Jesus Christ, Son of God

North Stafford Baptist Church Sermon Audio
North Stafford Baptist Church Sermon Audio
The Advent of a Savior: Jesus Christ, Son of God

Darren King: I John 4-10 We see in the Christmas story, which in the words of J.R.R. Tolkien is a “eucatastrophe”, the manifested love of God toward those who believe in His Son Jesus Christ; … Read More

Kingdom Realignment

North Stafford Baptist Church Sermon Audio
North Stafford Baptist Church Sermon Audio
Kingdom Realignment

Darren King: Matthew 4:12-17 The Good News of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ and how it is good news because Jesus is still on the Throne; Jesus is a different kind of king; the kingdom … Read More

God’s Greatest Gift

North Stafford Baptist Church Sermon Audio
North Stafford Baptist Church Sermon Audio
God's Greatest Gift

Isaac Farley: Matthew 2:1-12 God’s Greatest Gift to us is Jesus Christ His Son.

Jesus is Sovereign over the Darkness

North Stafford Baptist Church Sermon Audio
North Stafford Baptist Church Sermon Audio
Jesus is Sovereign over the Darkness

Darren King: In Mark 5:1-20 we see how the deity, power, and majesty of Christ confronts our condition, controls the Domain of Darkness, cowers the ungodly, and commands the redeemed.