Pastor Darren King Philippians 1:3-11 Gospel partnerships produce joy; gospel partnerships spring from the sovereign grace of God; gospel partnerships are concerned with the glory and praise of God.
Pastor Darren King Philippians 1:3-11 Gospel partnerships produce joy; gospel partnerships spring from the sovereign grace of God; gospel partnerships are concerned with the glory and praise of God.
Pastor Darren King 1:1-2 The liberating power of joy in Christ Jesus; grace and peace to you; we are to be marked by joy; joy is woven into the fabric of the Christian life; joy … Read More
Pastor Darren King Mark 15:21-47 Christ’s Sacrifice for Sinners: The crucifixion reals Christ’s love; the crucifixion reveals Christ’s Lordship; the crucifixion reveals Christ’s substitutionary Atonement.
Darren King: Isaiah 52:7-12 – Rejoice in the joy of redemption; rejoice in the Redeemer who brings Good News; Rejoice that your eyes were opened to see the good news; rejoice over the comfort that … Read More