Partners in the Gospel Philippians 1:3-11

North Stafford Baptist Church Sermon Audio
North Stafford Baptist Church Sermon Audio
Partners in the Gospel Philippians 1:3-11

Pastor Darren King  Philippians 1:3-11  Gospel partnerships produce joy; gospel partnerships spring from the sovereign grace of God; gospel partnerships are concerned with the glory and praise of God.

An Introduction to Philippians

North Stafford Baptist Church Sermon Audio
North Stafford Baptist Church Sermon Audio
An Introduction to Philippians

Pastor Darren King 1:1-2  The liberating power of joy in Christ Jesus; grace and peace to you; we are to be marked by joy; joy is woven into the fabric of the Christian life; joy … Read More

Christ’s Sacrifice for Sinners Part II Mark 15:21-47

North Stafford Baptist Church Sermon Audio
North Stafford Baptist Church Sermon Audio
Christ's Sacrifice for Sinners Part II Mark 15:21-47

Pastor Darren King Mark 15:21-47 Christ’s Sacrifice for Sinners: The crucifixion reals Christ’s love; the crucifixion reveals Christ’s Lordship; the crucifixion reveals Christ’s substitutionary Atonement.

The Advent of Joy: The Joy of Redemption

North Stafford Baptist Church Sermon Audio
North Stafford Baptist Church Sermon Audio
The Advent of Joy: The Joy of Redemption

Darren King: Isaiah 52:7-12 – Rejoice in the joy of redemption; rejoice in the Redeemer who brings Good News; Rejoice that your eyes were opened to see the good news; rejoice over the comfort that … Read More