Pastor Darren L. King Philippians 2:5-11 The Christ Hymn: Jesus Christ is the Son of God; Jesus Christ is gentle and lowly; Jesus Christ is Lord
Pastor Darren L. King Philippians 2:5-11 The Christ Hymn: Jesus Christ is the Son of God; Jesus Christ is gentle and lowly; Jesus Christ is Lord
Pastor Darren L. King Philippians 2:1-11 The Joy of knowing the Mind of Christ: It starts with being in Christ; with following Him in the self-emptying life; to have the mind of Christ is to … Read More
Pastor Darren L. King Philippians 1:27-30 A Life worthily lived: is marked by cooperation that displays our unity in the faith and partnership in the gospel; is marked by the courage that is firm in … Read More
Pastor Darren L. King Philippians 1:12-30 The joys of the Gospel: 1. Our sufferings serve to advance the gospel; 2. The joy of having life in Christ; 3. the joy of suffering for Christ
Pastor Darren King Mark 15:21-47 Christ’s Sacrifice for Sinners: The crucifixion reals Christ’s love; the crucifixion reveals Christ’s Lordship; the crucifixion reveals Christ’s substitutionary Atonement.
Pastor Darren King Mark 15:1-20 Christ’s sacrifice for sinners: the servant king left his throne in heaven to suffer for us; the servant king suffered according to the plan and purposes of God on our … Read More