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Pastor Darren L. King 1 Peter 1:1-2 A Stranger in a Strange Land: We are Chosen Exiles in the world; How we become chosen exiles; Pray that grace and peace would be multiplied in our lives; implications of being strangers in a strange land:
- If you are not a Christian, you are not an elect exile, you are not part of God’s chosen people in this world…Be reconciled to Christ.
- Because we are God’s chosen people, we are sojourners in this world. We reside temporarily in this world – Heaven is our Home.
- Because we are God’s chosen people, we are distinct people in this world. we have been set apart, sanctified, to live for God, not for this world.
- Because we are God’s chosen people, we are righteous sufferers in this world. We will suffer in this world having no place of rest here in this world but must wait for the next.
- Because we are God’s chosen people, we persecuted people in this world. The world will find our faith strange, off-putting, and opposed to all they stand for, even harmful and dangerous.
- Because we are God’s chosen people, we are equipped people in this world. we have everything we need to resist the temptations of this world and endure its persecution.
- Because we are God’s chosen people, we are blessed people in this world. We live in the grace and peace of God in this world awaiting our inheritance of salvation in the next.