Pastor Darren L. King John 6:22-40 The Bread of Life Part 1: The Bread which sustains life; apart from Christ, people are empty and searching in this world for that which will satisfy their soul; Only Christ can satisfy our spiritual hunger as He is the One who sustains life; Come to Jesus, the Bread of Life; 7 contrasts between unbelievers and believers to help apply God’s word to you today: 1. Unbelievers follow their own agenda while believers follow the Lord Jesus Christ. 2. Unbelievers live in fear in this life while believers overcome their fear about life through Jesus Christ. 3. Unbelievers are concerned about the temporal while believers are concerned about the Eternal. 4. Unbelievers are centered on how good they must be while believers are centered on the One who died for them. 5. Unbelievers walk/work by sight while believers live by faith in the Son of God. 6. Unbelievers use Scripture to justify their life while believers obey the Word because God has given them life. 7. Unbeliebers desire life while believers desire Christ who is their life.